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Retail Coaching Portfolio

More power for suppliers in retail

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We perfect your product and make it fit for a retail listing.

Over the past 20 years, I have developed and optimised up to 100 food and non-food products per month with my large purchasing teams.

These products were discussed in all relevant details with all stakeholders, improved and finally implemented. Some time later, the sales in thousands of shops in various countries reflected the quality of the decisions I had made.

Through this decades-long, daily implementing and product improving game, I developed a keen sense of what works and what doesn't work for customers throughout various markets.

From perfecting flavours to optimizing product and packaging designs, I was able to build up a huge amount of expertise.

I am now happy to pass on this valuable detailed knowledge about the ideal nature of products for the retail trade to you.

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Benefit from my effective support throughout the entire listing process

From now on, you will appear professional, confident, self-assured and well prepared in all discussions with the purchasing department. You will no longer be surprised by unpleasant questions from buyers, but will have a well-structured, thought-through and targeted answer to everything.

From the professional initial contact, your company presentation, the effective product pitch and all price negotiation rounds to the final goal, the listing, I will accompany you through every step of your journey.

After listing, you then have to successfully defend the shelf space you have gained against all your competitors for as long as possible and fend off all demands to reduce the purchase price time and time again. It sounds challenging, and it is, but with a lot of background knowledge and meticulous detailed work, this can be achieved together.

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When are buyers bluffing and what tricks and strategies are best used to score points in a negotiation?

"Your price is far too high!" - Many suppliers buckle at the first harsh price demand from the purchasing department and fear the consequences. But is the lowest price really always the deciding factor between inclusion and exclusion? In many cases, the purchasing department does not have as much choice as it appears to have. If the product is appealing, the retailer wants to have it and not a slightly poorer quality product at a cheaper price.

With these initial, simple considerations alone and the many negotiating strategies derived from them, my largest customers have been able to avoid 7-digit euro sums in margin reductions in the past, and this only in one round of negotiations for one larger product segment.

I have spent years teaching and instructing the toughest and most skillful negotiators in the industry on negotiation tricks and strategies. In the course of our collaboration, you will learn how to apply the best counter-strategies and save yourself a lot of money.

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Strategy and retail marketing from a single source

The Brand

With my marketing agency trueRetail, we have all the retail marketing power in-house for you. From product presentation and brand creation, a new website to a major launch campaign including performance marketing and social media support, we can offer you everything from a single source.

We are a large team of strategy and brand developers, digital and web specialists, graphic designers and social media professionals as well as filmmakers and music producers. We combine all the essential core competences for effective retail marketing under one roof.

Your advantage is the smooth and interface-free transition of our jointly developed strategies into marketing that is perfectly tailored to the retail sector. With over 20 years of experience in the retail and brand world, we know exactly what is important in your business and support you in the successful development of your retail brand.

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Effective and lasting behavioural change for more success in business and more satisfaction in life

You are an entrepreneur, executive or manager and have been working at the edge of your healthy performance limits for some time. Due to many unresolved problem areas, it's no longer fun and your daily work is exhausting and stressful. At the same time, your private life and health are also suffering and you are no longer happy with your life situation.

If this sounds familiar, this is exactly the right time to actively change something and think about my professional business coaching.

We work together to resolve deep-seated behavioural patterns and blockages and master problem situations. You will regain your strength and center, regain more self-confidence and be able to deal with future challenges more calmly.

Whether in career or North Star coaching, in addition to my 20 years of experience in executive coaching, I rely exclusively on the latest, highly effective and efficient coaching tools. You will not only benefit from the results in your business, but also in your private life.

Let's develop your full potential in your business and in your life together!


Wiesenstraße 11
A-4600 Wels

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